Image de fond

To visit this site, you must be of legal age to purchase and consume alcohol according to the legislation of your country of residence.

If there is no legislation in this respect in your country, you must be at least 18 years old to access this site.

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Legal notices

Bouchard Père & Fils

15 rue du Château. 21200 Beaune, France.
Phone number: +33 (0)3 80 24 80 24
Publications Director: Jérémy Cukierman
RCS: B 515 420 255

Capital: 8 632 000,00 €


Site production : Agence Talky Walky
Cartographie : Atelier XY
Create : Décembre 2024
Site host by : Datailor
Credits : Leif Carlsson - L'atelier Nicolas Démoulin

Information on the right of access

In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6th 1978 You have the right to check, correct, update, and ask for the delete of any personal information at any time.

Intellectual property/Copyright respect


This website is protected by French and international legislation on royalties and intellectual property. All elements published on this site, including, in particular, texts, photographs, computer graphics, logos, brands, etc. constitute intellectual work as defined by the Intellectual Property Code. In consequence, any reproduction, representation, in part or in full, which may be made without the consent of their authors or of their assignees is expressly prohibited.

Nevertheless the photos available on the website photo gallery are free of rights provided that the indication “Bouchard Père & Fils” appears as an image caption.

Bouchard Père & Fils cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made by the users.